Sunday, July 24, 2011

Narrow tract vehicles - an answer to global traffic congestion

Mobility is a vital indicator of societal wealth and we are faced with a fundamental dilemma as to how it is managed. Transportation infrastructure, specifically motorways, are increasingly costly to maintain due to resource scarcity and inadequate due to accelerating vehicle ownership. Urbanization is transforming our lives and how regions cope with mobility issues will dictate prosperity. The sustainable benefits of densification are diminished with increased congestion, resulting in a crippled economy with low productivity and environmental degradation.

The solution is a highly efficient multi-modal transport SYSTEM. Western society is immensely dependent on the utility our personal vehicles provide, but this (often excess utility) diminishes rapidly if the network it relies on cannot deliver. While public transit (built with the engineering capabilities of the 21st century) is an essential offering, personal transport is here to stay. It is our image of personal transport that needs to expand by shrinking. Narrow tract vehicles are one solution that can double the capacity of our motorways. They may not offer endless utility, but as a commuter vehicle, where a majority of time behind the wheel is spent, it makes absolute sense. Watch the video (link below) to envision the future. Now we just need to demand the auto industry to move beyond concept to production.