Sunday, February 28, 2010

Debate over wind energy in Denmark - Sound research or politics?

Last September the Institute for Energy Research (IER) began a campaign in the US with the aid of a report by CEPOS refuting claims by the Obama Administration that Denmark is a model of wind power generation, producing nearly 20% of their electricity from wind power.

Objective research or another political battle in the struggle between the fossil fuel industry and the green movement (I suspect the later)?

It has been stated that the report by CEPOS, Center for Political Studies, was funded by IER, a fossil-fuel industry funded group according to AWEA, the American Wind Energy Association.

CEPOS describes itself on its website as "... an independent Danish think tank promoting a society based on freedom, responsibility, private initiative and limited government." It appears to be a conservative think tank funded by private businesses.

On the surface the debate addresses the economics of renewable energy investments, but underneath is a battle of special interests. These types of battles will continue in the US as long as climate change is considered a political debate not science with a business community lubricated with oil to ensure the status quo. I have included the following links for you to make your own determination; I think you know where I stand.

IER's website claiming the failure of Danish investments:

Response from the AWEA refuting the claims:

Does objectivity exist in this sector anyway?! I think we can find it in a recently released report by researchers at Aalborg University titled: Danish Wind Power Export and Cost:

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